Thursday, June 14, 2012

Your Puppy

Your Puppy
Congratulations on the acquisition of your new Labrador Retriever puppy. Bellabling Labradors are bred for the finest temperament and personality. Our puppies are bred and reared in a peaceful farm environment. This breed is also assured the best health from the breeding programs conducted.
This guide will provide you with a general outline in the care and maintenance of your a Labrador Retriever
For the first few days in a new environment, your puppy may be stressed and not eat as it should. 
Offer food, but do not worry unduly if the puppy does not eat well. Make sure plenty of fresh water is always available.
Have a dry and comfortable area for the puppy to sleep when it wants to settle down by itself.
You should resist the temptation to take your puppy on outings until it is fully vaccinated. Let your puppy get used to its own surroundings first.
Vaccinations and Worming
Your puppy was vaccinated at 6 weeks of age, and the vaccination certificate is enclosed. The due date for the next vaccination is due at about 10 - 12 weeks and is shown on the card. Take the card along with you to your vet, and he/she will advise the next date when your puppy’s vaccination is due.
Your puppy was wormed at 2, 4, 8 and must be treated at 12 weeks of age, thereafter every 3 months.
Diet Twice Daily
1 cup of Purina Bonnie ( soak in warm water for the first week) or as directed by your vet.
Optional cup puppy milk ( Biolac Blue ) mix as directed
Your puppy has been reared on the above diet. Please adhere to this, as a sudden change may lead to upset stomach and digestive system.
At 8 weeks and up to 12 weeks of age 100 - 150 gm of raw mince
You may also add an egg yolk up to twice a week if you desire
Always have fresh clean water available.
The above amounts, are only a guideline, as amounts will vary from puppy to puppy. As the puppy is growing rapidly at this age, you must increase the amount of food as required or as suggested by your vet.
As the puppy turns 12 months of age, the number of meals need to be reduced to one meal per day of halved over 2 meals, morning and night.
The following is a list of foods NOT to be fed to your puppy / dog
Milk & Cheese
Canned food
Chopped bones
Fish bones
Cooked bones
Raw chicken wings

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